Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kyle Sheehy

Hey guys im kyle im 20 yrs old and im bored lookin for some people to talk to about nothing really..

Its 10.15 pm. and this is my first entry i've never use a blog before and i figured id check it out see if i could find anyone interesting so if you have any questions just ask il answer anything you throw at me im quite open.

I live with my mom at the moment cause i was doing alot of drugs and i OD'd and was just fckin everything up i guess hah but i had alot of fun doin it!! im doing alot better all i do is work everyday doing general construction and sht and ive been eating healthy and all that good stuff.....

but i gotta tell ya i had alot more fun when i was out on my escapades i know this is a good thing and i needed a break cause i've pretty much been fcked up for the last 10 yrs straight hah but im not enjoying it so i wonder is it better the do the right thing and be miserable or be the dumb young kid have fun and enjoy my self....

i miss the endless amount of drugs and girls and parties but i know im doing the right thing i just dont know how long i can last....?

but anyways ask me some questions or tell me about yourself i need someone to talk to and i fear no one will respond to my blog and il lose interest....i have adhd and im pretty impatient so hit me up!

oh yeh i think im pretty normal haha il post some pictures so you guys can see me!

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